Force consequently requires solicitation from without: it works blindly: and on account of this defectiveness of form, the content is also limited and accidental. 因此,力需要外在的诱导,它是盲目地起作用,而且由于这样地缺乏形式,所以内容也是受限制的、偶然的。
The development of architectural theory should not only apply to general situations, but also take into account special circumstances, and form a sound theoretical system. 建筑理论的发展应当既适用于普遍情况,又兼顾特殊情况,并形成完善的理论体系。
The account registration form will now appear on your screen. 屏幕上会出现建立真钱账户申请表。
The account request portlet displays a form for new users to fill out and submit with their personal information and account preferences. 帐号请求门户为新用户填写并提交自己的个人信息和帐号设置提供了一个表单。
May Allah the Almighty help us to apply the Shari'ah by taking into account not only its form but also its spirit and inner meanings. 愿全能的真主援助我们结合沙利亚的精神和内在意义遵行它,而不仅仅是只考虑它的外在形式。
A string representing the password in the service account form. 一个字符串,表示服务帐户窗体的密码。
If the Insured is unable to write on account of disablement, this form should be filled up and signed by a close relative or other responsible person in charge of the Insured for the time being. 如投保人因伤不能书写,投保人之近亲属或负责人可代为填写并签名。
It is of much account that children form good habits. 孩子们养成良好的习惯是很重要的。
Note: If the Member wishes to switch existing investment balance for more than one ( 1) account, please use separate form for each account. 注意?如成员拟为多于一个账户的结馀转换投资组合,请为每一个账户填写独立的表格。
The current account is in the form of a passbook. Customer: Yes, I would like to. 活期存款帐户是开立存折,顾客:是的,我想开立一个储蓄帐户。
After receipt of e-stamp account application form, Stamp Office will issue a notification to inform the organization of its e-stamp account number. 收到印花易帐户申请表后,印花税署会通知该机构其印花易帐户帐号。
Double account form of balance sheet 复帐户式资产负债表
Please fill out Scottrade International Account Fund Request Form, select Check Request and fax to Asia Pacific Center. 请填写国际帐户提款表,选择支票提领并传真到亚太服务部。
Please show me how to fill out an open account form? 请您教我填一份开户表格好吗?
If you would like to apply for joint account, a separate form needs to be filled in. 如您需要申请联名账户,联名账户另一方需要再填写一份申请表。
Takes the accumulation of flexible individual development account as the form; 以灵活的个人发展账户积累为形式;
Establish commissioning registration account management commissioning test report form. 建立《委托登记台帐》管理外委检测报告单。
Call business accounting of course summary table the form again, collect summary table of proof of total staff charge to an account regularly according to proof of charge to an account, seize the form of accountant business accounting that always classifies Zhang with registering. 又称科目汇总表核算形式,根据记账凭证定期汇总编制记账凭证汇总表,并据以登记总分类账的会计核算形式。
Are stat modifiers and effects from worn equipment, potions, and similar items taken into account in shifted form? 穿着装备、药剂或者类似的物品导致属性变化和附加效果,变形形态下会考虑吗?
This will need to account for the new polycentric form of major cities, and also for the changes in traditional central place systems that result from globalisation and the development of the informational service economy. 这将要求主要城市具有新的多中心形态,并且作为全球化和信息服务经济发展的结果,导致传统中心地体系发生了变化。
Then, from the account of the form element of surface layer set up the date-base. 然后通过统计表层的形态要素,建立表层的数据库;
Probing Account Form about Two Frequent Questions for Solution on Large Scale 两类常见问题大规模求解的算法探讨
Transaction cost view considers the base of corporate strategy, but it neglects the resources and capability, and only takes into account strategy form the cost. 交易成本是战略问题的基础,但其忽略了企业的资源和能力,仅从成本维度出发考虑战略问题。
This thesis proposes that the national treasury concentrates on unifying the concrete procedure of revenue and expenditure and account form purchased on a small quantity, thus offer the valuable suggestion for revenue and expenditure of national treasury. 本论文正是从执行技术上,提出国库集中统一收支的具体流程和小额采购的账户形式,从而为国库收支提供有价值的建议。
It firstly analyzes the institution economy nature, concludes that four factors should be take into account for the organization form: attraction for the capital; 文章首先从企业的性质入手分析了风险投资基金的制度经济学本质,得出风险投资基金的组织形式必须考虑的四个因素:1、对资本的吸引力;
Because options on a traded account meet with the same form equation, the price of the Asian option is characterized by a simple one-dimensional partial differential equation. only need to change the trading strategy. 由于交易帐户期权满足的方程具有统一的形式,所以只需要改变交易策略,亚式期权的价格就可以通过一个简单的一维偏微分方程来求解。
These problems arise from many factors ranging from a lack of city control and management, mismanagement of land using purpose and land type, capitalistic development without taking into account of urban form, ineffective city planning for communication. 对土地利用目的和土地类型缺乏管理或者管理不当,不考虑城市结构的资本主义发展,无效的城市规划会引起许多问题。
Simply from this perspective, freedom is still abstract, because it only takes into account the form of practical behavior, which is bound to be manifested by man as ontology ( or rational beings) in accordance with the requirements of reason. 单纯地从这个角度而言,自由仍然是抽象的,因为它照顾到的只是实践行为的形式一面,这是作为本体的人(或理性的存在者)按照理性的要求必然要表现出来的。
It made analysis of the correlation theory and the account form of the heat transfer, and deduced the important parameters-the angle factor formula used to heat shield in the thermal analysis. 2. 得出以下结论:1.基于辐射传热的相关理论及其计算方法,推导出隔热屏热分析所需的重要参数一角系数的计算公式。